Installation Error 1603 Windows 10

Installation Error 1603 Windows 10 4,6/5 6711 votes

Sep 19, 2016  Thanks for the guidance. Before reporting the bug, I dutifully followed the 'Prepare to Submit a Bug Report' instructions—and solved my problem. The Windows Installer service uses the SYSTEM account to install software. The System doesn't have the latest version of the MSI installer. The System TEMP and TMP variables are not set to the default path C: windows temp. In most cases, Windows defender should be turned off automatically during SEP installation. Jan 20, 2015  This video shows how to fix error 1603 while installing or uninstalling an application like skype Microsoft Fix It a free application which automatically fix.

Active1 year, 6 months ago

When I reinstall the AppFabric 1.1, Why I'm getting this error 'AppFabric installation failed because installer MSI returned with error code : 1603'.?

I did run it with administrative rights.

Below is the error log.

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16 Answers

I had a similar problem

9/21/2012 11:28:01 AM EXEPATH=powershell.exe PARAMS=-command '$str = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); $str = $str+';c:Program FilesAppFabric 1.1 for Windows ServerPowershellModules'; c:Windowssystem32setx.exe /M PSModulePath '$str' LOGFILE=C:UsersXXXXXXXAppDataLocalTempAppServerSetup1_1_CustomActions(2012-09-21 11-27-26).logError: ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '2' time(s).Error: Type 'SETX /?' for usage.

My issue was the PSModulePath having an improper ' in it

it was:

C:Windowssystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0Modules;C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server110ToolsPowerShellModules'

removing the extraneous ' corrected the issue

To change this go to Control Panel ->System ->Advanced System Settings -> On the Advanced Tab Select Enviroment Variables -> Under System Variables there is a Variable named PSModulePath, select it -> Click Edit -> Remove trailing '

Ben Anderson
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4,0073 gold badges31 silver badges58 bronze badges

I fixed this error in my deployment. It only occured for me if I had run the installer once before. As soon as you start the Installer, it will create a temporary folder. Copy that folder and save it off with a different name. Now cancel that install.

Open Regedit and search (CTRL+F) for 'AppFabric'. You should find an entry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInstallerProducts{SomeStringOfCharacters}. Under that check SourceList it will have a Key called LastUsedSource. Update the folder path within it to match the temporary folder we just saved off. Also check SourceList/Net. It will likely have multiple keys with numeric Names. Make sure the Data value for them match your temporary folder path as well.

Now go into your temporary folder and run Setup.exe. It should complete now. I've seen behavior like this with other installers that first extract files to a temporary folder. Re-running the installer mostly works from the new temporary folder but some aspect of it holds on to the old temporary folder in the registry and tries to load something up from the old location.

Matt PolandMatt Poland

I was trying to re-install AppFabric 1.1 on my Dev Computer running Windows 8 and I get this error. I found here that adding this :

to PSModulePath (System properties -> Environment Variables -> System variables) solved my issue.

Guillaume RAYMONDGuillaume RAYMOND

I also hit this error…

The installation msi will try to create a new task in the Windows Task scheduler to remind you to give customer feedback. This install step executes regardless of whether you do or do not click the check box to participate in customer feedback. In many corporate environments (including mine) creating new windows tasks is denied to all but domain administrators. As a result, running as a local admin is not sufficient and the entire installation fails when adding the task returns “access denied”. This shows up in the install log as a 1603.

The only workaround we could find was to manually pull all the files out of the msi, remove the “add schedule task” from the install script, and then create a new msi. After that one line change, it worked fine.


Looks like I got all the possible issues with that installation.

Download e- book medical. Troubleshooting: look at actual log file (in the log provided by the installer look for LOGFILE=..):

After you located the actual log file, check for errors.I had to:

  1. Fails to create AS_Observer:
    • Exec: c:Windowssystem32net.exe localgroup AS_Observers /delete
  2. Fails to set ACLs on config folder:
    • Exec: md C:WindowsSysWOW64inetsrvconfig
  3. COM not registered:
    • Install activation service feature for .NET 3.5 (both HTTP and non-HTTP) and enable HTTP activation for .NET 4.5

done. Hope that helps.

Mikl XMikl X

In my case it was a localgroup which was already existed through a previous install. Removing localgroup (AS_Observers) resolved my issue.

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net localgroup AS_Observers /delete

hope this might help someone.


Although many links talk about deleting the trailing space in the environment variable, that did not apply to my case as there was no trailing space in my case.

This was the answer that finally helped me out. I had to delete the AS_Observers and AS_Administrators groups created during previous installation attempt and then reinstall.

Doing this resolved the problem and I could successfully install AppFabric. Couldn't post this as answer in the server fault site due to insufficient reputation.

Amogh NatuAmogh Natu

I've also had a similar problem. The cause was AppFabric generated a scheduled task and it was left behind when it was uninstalled.

the error message in the logs:

'/create /tn 'MicrosoftWindowsAppFabricCustomer Experience Improvement ProgramConsolidator' /xml 'C:Program FilesAppFabric 1.1 for Windows ServerConsolidator.xml' Error: ERROR: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.'

It can't create the Task because it already exists.

To delete this task.

  • Go to: %SYSTEM32%TasksMicrosoftWindows.
  • Delete the AppFabric Folder.

Then try to re-install it again.

Note: You could also try to delete it from the Task Scheduler GUI but in my case it wasn't shown there.


Last but not least, I've found this page. Is quite complete the cause and further explanation.

SOLVED: Error 1306 AppFabric + Windows Server 2012

Felix AballiFelix Aballi
4261 gold badge9 silver badges30 bronze badges

I had this same error. Just had to install IIS and everything worked.

1,7601 gold badge28 silver badges55 bronze badges

Thanks for all of the help.

The log error actually tells you what to do. It is complaining because the file already exists below.

Delete the 'Consolidator' file from:

C:WindowsSystem32TasksMicrosoftWindowsAppFabricCustomer Experience Improvement Program

Courtesy of Charles Babcock, MCT

Charles BabcockCharles Babcock

My problem was that there was task already for Customer Experience Improvement Program in Task Scheduler 'MicrosoftWindowsAppFabricCustomer Experience Improvement ProgramConsolidator'. I removed that task and after that installation succeeded.


In my case it was:- My system account contained two words -- Name and Surname, like 'Vasya Pupkin', so web platform installer saw only first 'Vasya', so you need to rename system user to 'VasyaPupkin' without space symbol, or install under different account.- Also I've noticed error in PowerShell env path, so check System variables PSModulePath, and remove unnecessary - symbol (') (SQL server path contains error, PowerShellModules')


I finally made it. I was able to install AppFabric for Win Server 2012 R2. I am not really sure what exact change made it worked. I saw and tried many many solutions from various websites but above solution of making changes to Registry - 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT'worked (please think twice before making changes to Registry on production environment - this was my demo environment so I just went ahead); I changed the temporary folder path but it did not worked first time. Then I deleted the registry entry and then uninstalled AppFabric 1.1 pre-installed instance from Control panel.Then I tried Installation and it worked. This also restored the Registry entry.


May be I am really late for reply, Seriously guys this error resolution took hours of time, i tried every possible solution.

  1. installing IIS
  2. changing Power Shell from environment variable.
  3. Deleting the local group

While, the solution is really really simple. If you look closely in environment variable PSModulePath there will be commas at end of the value simply remove those and enjoy

2403 gold badges6 silver badges16 bronze badges

I had the same problem today. I've found this link, where you can try 3 solutions. First solution helped for me.

Paweł IwaneczkoPaweł Iwaneczko

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During installation of an Autodesk software, the install wizard stops and reports:
Install error 1603: Fatal error during installation.


Error 1603 is a generic error generated by the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI). This error tends to be system-related, rather than linked to a specific software. The following are common examples of the 1603 error:

Setup Logs:

Install <AutodeskProduct> <Version> Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603

Dialog box during installation:

Error 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation.

Other Messages:

Install .NET Framework Runtime 3.0 Failed Failure is ignored, Result=1603
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express(AUTODESKVAULT) Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603
Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable (x86) Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603


To rectify this issue, run through below points. If one does not help, move to the next one:

If the install now feature is being used, goto the Autodesk Account Management Page and use the Download Now feature to get the complete installer.

Remnants and residual files of previous installs

  1. Perform a Clean Uninstall to remove any residual files and folders from previous installations.
  2. Attempt to install the software again with Download Now option.
    • If the application fails to uninstall try using the the Microsoft Fixit tool (Works for Windows 8,10 and Windows Server):

A file is locked and cannot be overwritten

A certain file on the machine is locked, or setup attempts to reboot because of a locked file, which fails. To make sure that a locked file is not causing the error, close all applications running in the background, reboot the machine, and run setup again.

The Windows TEMP folders are full

The system temp directory is not clean. This is the temp directory that setup extracts files to and runs from. Either the temp directory does not have an adequate amount of available space, or it has too many files that may conflict with setup files.

Clean the default temp directory and free up hard-disk space by removing unneeded files.

  1. On the Windows Start menu, enter %TEMP% in the 'Search programs and files' edit field.
  2. In the Temp folder, press CTRL+A to select all the files and folders contained in the Temp directory and delete them.

Not enough disk space

This error occurs on machines that do not have enough disk space to install the setup and store rollback files. This space is generally required on the root drive even if the setup may be installed to a different drive.

Make sure that there is enough space on the root drive of the machine. This space is required by setup to decompress files in the temp directory and to store rollback information in the Windows directory of the machine. Even though the setup may be installed on another drive, it is imperative that the machine have at least twice as much space as the size of the setup on the root drive (the drive with the Windows operating system installed on it).

Setup files were corrupted during extraction

Exit or turn off conflicting and competing programs, including such things as virus scanners, word processors, spreadsheets, web browsers, system utilities, etc. Then launch the installation again.

Short file name creation is disabled on the target machine

Enable support for 8.3 name creatione.g., short file nameson the target machine. Navigate to the following registry entry:


An NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation value of zero (0) enables the short file name creation functionality. A value of one (1) disables this functionality.

Registry modifications require rebooting the target machine for the change to take affect—do this before attempting to launch the setup again.

Note: If the target machine should normally have short file name creation disabled, it can be disabled after the install completes by resetting NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation to its original value and rebooting again.

Autodesk Installation Diagnostic Assistant (AIDA)

Java 1603 Error Fix Windows 10

The Autodesk Installation Diagnostic Assistant (AIDA) can provide assistance in identifying the root cause of 1603 Error messages and will offer suggested solution if one is available.

  • For more information, review the following resource: Using logs to troubleshoot installation errors.

Review Setup
As last resort, review the setup log, check to see if the installer is failing on installing multiple components. E.g. C++ libraries, .NET, core product This could be an indication a security setting is blocking the installation. Disable your antivirus software and re-install.
'Install Error 1603: Fatal error during installation' of Moldflow 2019

See Also:

Error 1603 Cs4

The following are additional 1603 error conditions and solutions:

Hp Install Error 1603 Windows 10

