Serialize Json Javascript

Serialize Json Javascript 5,0/5 1685 votes
  1. Json Parse
  2. Newtonsoft Json Serialize Javascript

Serializing form data means to get all values of form fields in a text string (in URL query string format).

Mar 03, 2019  The JSON.stringify method converts a JavaScript object or value to a JSON string, optionally replacing values if a replacer function is specified or optionally including only the specified properties if a replacer array is specified. The JSON.stringify function is included in all major browsers and in the latest ECMAScript (JavaScript) standard. The numbers in the table below specifies the first browser version that fully supports the JSON.stringify function.

For example:

jQuery has a method “serialize()” to serialize form data. However, JavaScript serialize form do not support this method directly. To allow form data serialize in JavaScript, we must import a library from google.

Form data can be serialized by both jQuery and JavaScript but, the major difference between them is that, jQuery’sserialize() method returns form field values in top down sequence whereas, serialize JavaScript returns it in bottom up sequence.

Here in this example you will see that contact number field’s value will be shown up first in the query string which is the last field of the form.

Javascript serialize method:

jQuery serialize method:

In our example, we have created an HTML form with some common form fields like “text”, “checkbox” and “radio” and to get their values, we used JavaScript serialize method which returns a string.

Watch out the live demo or download the code to use it.

Download script

Complete HTML and JavaScript codes are given below.

HTML file: serialize.html
Given below our complete HTML form.

JavaScript file: serialize.js

In the below script, we validate all fields and then serialize form data.

When was sia born. Retrieved 26 September 2011.

CSS File: style.css

Styling HTML elements.

So, this was all about form data serialization using JavaScript. Hope you like it, keep reading our other blogs post and do provide us your valuable feedback.

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JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an efficient data encoding format that enables fast exchanges of small amounts of data between client browsers and AJAX-enabled Web services.

This article demonstrates how to serialize .NET type objects into JSON-encoded data and then deserialize data in the JSON format back into instances of .NET types. This example uses a data contract to demonstrate serialization and deserialization of a user-defined Person type and uses DataContractJsonSerializer.

Json Parse

Normally, JSON serialization and deserialization are handled automatically by Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) when you use data contract types in service operations that are exposed over AJAX-enabled endpoints. However, in some cases you may need to work with JSON data directly.


This article is about DataContractJsonSerializer. For most scenarios that involve serializing and deserializing JSON, we recommend the tools in the System.Text.Json namespace.

This article is based on the DataContractJsonSerializer sample.

To define the data contract for a Person type

  1. Define the data contract for Person by attaching the DataContractAttribute to the class and DataMemberAttribute attribute to the members you want to serialize. For more information about data contracts, see Designing service contracts.

To serialize an instance of type Person to JSON


If an error occurs during serialization of an outgoing reply on the server or for some other reason, it may not get returned to the client as a fault.

  1. Create an instance of the Person type.

  2. Serialize the Person object to a memory stream by using the DataContractJsonSerializer.

  3. Use the WriteObject method to write JSON data to the stream.

  4. Show the JSON output.

To deserialize an instance of type Person from JSON

  1. Deserialize the JSON-encoded data into a new instance of Person by using the ReadObject method of the DataContractJsonSerializer.

  2. Show the results.


Newtonsoft Json Serialize Javascript


The JSON serializer throws a serialization exception for data contracts that have multiple members with the same name, as shown in the following sample code.

See also